This is a helpful tool to administer to teachers and staff to learn more about areas where your team feels confident and where additional support would help to increase feelings of efficacy.
This is a tool designed for school leaders and administrators to distribute to teachers and staff. It is designed as a self-assessment survey on multi-tiered systems and inclusive practices. You can use the results to learn more about areas where teachers feel confident and where additional support would help to increase feelings of efficacy.
The three page survey first explores prompts related to the design and implementation of first, best instruction in Tier 1. It then looks into targeted intervention and support.
Identify areas where enhanced support can boost confidence and effectiveness.
Utilize this tool to create a baseline for staff understanding of UDL. It gives you a place to target strategic planning so you know where to go next on your journey.
As you work through this exercise, connect with your peers. Share your stories. Share your failures. Reflect and endure.