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Plan Professional Development Using a UDL Lens


Planning PD with a UDL Lens_2024Download our actionable guide to help you design professional learning experiences using the mindset of a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Practitioner.



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About the Guide to Planning Professional Development Using a UDL Lens

Universal Design for Learning teaches our learners how to learn, think, and problem-solve. It shows them how to persevere when things are difficult and embrace challenges. It gives them the tools they need to create their own path. This guide is broken into three tables, outlining barriers participants might face within the three networks of the brain. In using the guide you'll

  • Consider any barriers participants might face within the three UDL networks: Affective, Recognition, and Strategic.
  • Learn how you can reduce or remove those barriers through offering options for participants in each area.
  • Discover how to provide options and plan for variability, allowing learners to use their strengths and be self-directed, motivated, and resourceful.
Planning PD

The Goal

Discover how to build professional development plans for learners with varied backgrounds and needs

Around the World Science@3x

Practice What You Teach

 Utilize the tips outlined in the guide to  incorporate the principles of UDL as you plan PD for your staff; UDL just isn't for our students, it is for all learners!


Share & Reflect

Share your stories. Share your failures. Reflect and endure.