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A Leader's Guide to Building a Master School Schedule and Calendar

Utilize this tool to help create a master schedule and calendar that makes the most of school time. Daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly considerations for supporting both teachers and students in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).


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About the Resource

The two structures that control and prioritize your time in a school setting are your master schedule and your calendar.  Too often, we consider these structures in isolation.  We need to ensure that we are gaining synergistic value from these structures by considering them together. 

Use this tool for year-long planning as you consider how to leverage these structures on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis in the service of both student and faculty learning. Read more on the blog.

making the most of school time pdf

The Goal

Make the most of school time!

Around the World Science@3x

Put It Into Practice

 Utilize the considerations and tools outlined in the guide to build an effective master schedule and school calendar that benefits both teachers and students.


Share & Reflect

Share your stories. Share your failures. Reflect and endure.