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UDL Choice Boards

If a teacher wants students to create high-quality products, they have to do a lot of planning and create scaffolds… or we could do that for you.

Download these essential handouts (one for the teacher, one for the students) and take your choice boards to the next level.



About The Tools

To create these tools, Katie Novak partnered with fellow experts in the field to create two versions of this helpful resource - one is a guide for teachers - the other is a guide that can be handed out and utilized by students.


Tips for teachers! Read more on the blog.

Choice boards (image of downloads)

Ignite Students Passions

Help students build products and projects that they can share widely, use in their portfolios, and channel their passions.

Idea Box@3x

One For Me, One For You

Use the teacher handout to guide students in their self-awareness, self-reflection, and social-emotional wellness while ensuring that they engage in authentic, meaningful, and high-quality work.

Around the World Science@3x

Reference Guide

 A helpful tool to use time and again!