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UDL Flowchart

Utilize the UDL Flowchart when designing your lesson to ensure you are aligning to standards and removing barriers (instead of focusing on teaching a formula). 



How to Use the UDL Flowchart

We created the UDL Flowchart as a tool to help get you closer to universally designing your lesson plans at an expert teacher level. 

Consider how you can make lessons more flexible and build on them over time. Start slow and set a goal to focus on one aspect of the UDL Flowchart each week.

In PLCs, share what is working and borrow each other's ideas!

Read more on the blog.

UDL Flowchart 3.0
Idea Box@3x

Universally Design Lessons

Determine where barriers may be that are preventing full implementation of universally designed principles in your classroom.


Learn and Grow 

See where you need to grow in your efforts to eliminate barriers to student learning.


Use Time After Time

A tool that you can reference and utilize time and time again.