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Free Guide! UDL Strategies to Provide Specially Designed Instruction in the General Education Classroom

Understand how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) can be used together in learning environments to serve students with varying needs. 



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About the UDL and SDI Strategies Guide 

The 9 page guide contains:

  1. Supports/Services Flowchart - providing UDL strategies as you flow through the chart
  2. Continuum of Supports/Services for Students Chart
  3. UDL Strategies by Subject Area - Strategies to Provide Specially Designed Instruction in the General Education Classroom in:
    1. Reading 
    2. Writing
    3. Math
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The Goal

Discover how to provide Specially Designed Instruction in general education classrooms.

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Take it Day by Day

 Utilize the tips outlined in the guide to  incorporate the principles of UDL in your general education classroom. Don't worry about trying everything at once. Take it day by day!


Share & Reflect

As you work through the guide and begin to implement the strategies, connect with your peers. Share your stories. Share your failures. Reflect and endure.